
Difference between Fault, Error, and Failure explained with JavaScript

January 17, 2021 · 1 min read
You've heard of the terms fault, error, and failure. And as software developers, we use them every day. But what do they mean? One popular definition is...

What Is a REPL? [Read-Eval-Print Loop Explained]

January 8, 2021 · 1 min read
Every programmer has used one. Read-eval-print loops (or REPLs) are a centerpiece of modern software development. What exactly is a REPL, how does it work, and where can I use one? Let's find out.

How to Create A Snowfall Animation with Svelte [2 Ways]

January 6, 2021 · 6 min read
When I started the quest to create a snowfall animation with Svelte, I knew nothing about complex transitions or animations. My first step was to go through the motion, transition, and animation tutorials by Svelte. Then I decided on my first approach: custom transitions.

12 Debugging Strategies I Use As a Developer

December 11, 2020 · 4 min read
When you‘re developing software, bugs will appear. Some things won‘t work as expected while developing them, and others will stop working after some time. Often, the cause of a software failure is easy to find. But sometimes the hunt for a bug seems to drag on and on and on. The following are 10 of my most often used debugging strategies.

When You Should Use JAMStack - And When You Shouldn't

December 4, 2020 · 2 min read
JAMStack is getting more and more popular. You've heard about it and are wondering whether you should use it for that next project. The use cases for JAMStack become clearer when we take a short look at what JAMStack is and which benefits it brings.

Contribute to Open Source (It's Easier Than You Think!)

November 27, 2020 · 2 min read
If you're a developer, I'm 100% sure you're using open source projects. Libraries, plugins, your programming language, maybe even your IDE or your OS. Let's take a quick look at why you should contribute to open source (even if it's just a little), and how you can do it (even if you're not a developer).